The 31st of December is New Year Day in Armenia. We love New Year very much. Before New Year we buy  presents and play Secret Santa. In our school, the 22nd of Dectember is our Christmas performance. Me and my brother go to the yard and play snowballs.

1.When do Armenians see the New Year in?

In 31th of Dectember.

2.What do we usually do on this day?

We play  snowballs, I help mom make salads and other dishes, and then we go to buy gifts for friends and our family members.

3.What do we eat on this day?

We eat turkey,dolma, pastry, fruits,salads, various nuts ( pistachio, hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, etc…) and the sweet sudjukh on this day.

4.When do we celebrate Christmas?

In 6th of January